Jumping to Conclusions

There was a time that humans on the African savannah needed to jump to plausible conclusions as a matter of survival. They needed to be aware of the location of food sources, and they needed to be prepared for predators. Evolution has prepared the human brain to jump to plausible conclusions. This predisposition for jumping to conclusions may lead us to identifying false patterns or rejecting alternative viewpoints.

Apparently, the Reading Wars have ended. However, as someone whose role is primarily concerned with professional development in the teaching of reading and spelling, I am not convinced that this war is truly over.

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Spelling – work for Year 1

“By the end of year 1, pupils should be able to read a large number of different words containing the GPCs that they have learnt, whether or not they have seen these words before. Spelling, however, is a very different matter. Once pupils have learnt more than one way of spelling particular sounds, choosing the right letter or letters depends on their either having made a conscious effort to learn the words or having absorbed them less consciously through their reading. Younger pupils have not had enough time to learn or absorb the accurate spelling of all the words that they may want to write.”

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